What is your Donor’s Giving Language? Engaging Donors with a Multi-channel Fundraising Strategy

In an environment where donors can choose virtually any nonprofit to support, it is more important than ever to offer convenient and innovative ways to give. By looking at the behavior of your current donors, you can build a strategy on how to target your supporters through meaningful communications and by offering multiple effective giving options. In this session, we are going to explore how you can communicate, and more importantly fundraise, to both your current and prospective donors in a way that resonates with them to yield big results. This session features two fundraising experts from The Rotary Foundation’s Donor Engagement team sharing how they use fundraising analytics and philanthropic communications to create and manage multiple giving platforms that collectively make a big fundraising impact.

Key Takeaways:

  • Identify multiple channels of communication to engage your supporters
  • Analyze your fundraising communication results to identify important giving trends
  • Use giving trends and communication engagement trends to identify potential giving platforms to create a multi-channel fundraising strategy