Grow Your Confidence… So You Can Grow Your Mission

From donor communications and community collaboratives to leading your team, there are few areas where confidence doesn’t play a major role in your success and your comfort. If you have the benefit of external affirmations like awards, a big title, or a killer resume…kudos, but maintaining healthy confidence is rooted in things deeper than these accomplishments. If you don’t have those things (yet), it’s ok. Your confidence is something you can control and craft, much like a muscle. The more you work to improve it and exercise it, the more it grows. The more your confidence grows, the more strength you will bring to your work and mission.

This interactive session will help nonprofit leaders recognize their core strengths and grow in areas where you don’t feel as confident as you’d like.

Key Takeaways:

  • Level the Playing Field: Become Empowered with Knowledge
  • Show up Consistently: Build and Strengthen your Approach
  • Humility: Build Out More than You Build Up