Good Marketing: From Unreliable Magic to Community-first Campaigns

Trust is essential for growth. Unfortunately, in 2022, the Edelman Trust Barometer reported that nonprofits are perceived as less trustworthy than their corporate counterparts. And, GiveUSA estimates the number of US households that gave to nonprofits decreased from 66% to just under 50%. That’s a 16% decline in 22 years!

This challenge, combined with change as a constant, rising competition and costs to reach supporters, and competing priorities for time and budget, drive many nonprofits to opt in to one of three strategies:

1. They do nothing and hope the mission markets itself.
2. They try everything, which ends up looking a lot like nothing.
3. Or, they run one-off campaigns, which end up all over the place, and rarely offer productive insights.

Each relies more on magic, not marketing. During this session, Noah will share a framework that breaks down silos between marketing and fundraising, enabling nonprofits to use community-first principles to unlock supporter and funding growth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn common pitfalls holding nonprofits back from growth.
  • Explore the Good Marketing Framework and learn how to apply it.
  • Examples of how other like-nonprofits are using the framework.