Bringing Community-centric & Anti-racist Fundraising Principles into Event Planning

As most fundraisers know, event fundraising doesn’t just happen the day of the event. It takes intentional planning, thought, and hard work. As fundraisers, we also need to look beyond the event details and tasks – and challenge ourselves to incorporate antiracist and community-centric principles into every stage of our event planning.

In this panel, Rachel D’Souza-Siebert will facilitate a conversation between individuals from different convenings and nonprofit organizations. The conversation will explore how event planners and organizers can bring Community-Centric and Antiracist fundraising principles into the event space and community-oriented events to help their missions and fundraising truly blossom.

Key Takeaways:

  • Moving from transactional to transformative events with systems change and antiracism.
  • Creating events that connect diverse stakeholders and donors to organizations.
  • Strategies to steward and cultivate relationships with donors after the event.