5 Social Media Tips to Help You Turn Heads and Raise Funds for Your Nonprofit

Does social media feel like a big-ticket item on your to-do list? Do you dream of how to engage the modern donor, but you’re not sure how? Social media is a great way to build new opportunities for engagement in your annual marketing plans and campaigns. And it doesn’t have to be overwhelming!

In this session, Taylor Shanklin will bring her tips for how to get the most out of your social media, even when you’re busy and wearing A LOT of hats. Learn the ins and out of leveraging social to grow your fundraising.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tips to create social media posts that engage your audience.
  • Strategies to keep your social media presence active and relevant.
  • Tools and tech to make social media management easier and more effective.
  • Understand how to measure the effectiveness of your social media.